Thursday, March 12, 2009

Kenji died today!! When I was collecting their food wastage this morning he is not moving at all! Julie took it out and I saw parts of it flesh is like poping out so I was wondering whether is it molting or not and wanted to put it back into the tank but they say better don't cause it smells. We decided to call Philip to come and rescue! When Philip look at the lobster, he said that maybe it is molting because it's eyes looks good and he also added he had accidentally killed 2 lobsters last time by taking it out of the water when it is molting and thought that it is dead. By the way, when Lobster is about to molt they will "hibernate" themselves like dead. They won't move at all even when you touch them. I was like OMG!! We might just accidentally killed it! But when we examine it, we notice that there is something sticking out from its mouth and it looks like the flesh hence we think that one of the reason Kenji died may be molt not in time or able to molt. We actually put it back into the tank and hope it survive but the body curled when we went to feed their second meal so this shows that its dead.

This is the photo of Kenji.

Name: Kenji
Date of Death: 12th March 2009, Thursday

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